


Hydroponic Society of America Consulting Services

IMG_20150402_142934_020The Hydroponic Society of America offers consulting services to clients, members and those seeking to enter into the world of  controlled environment agriculture, hydroponics, vertical farming and related indoor food production sciences.

Consulting services offered include:

  • Feasibility Studies
  • Business Plan Development
  • Risk Management & Exit Strategies
  • Technology Selection
    …and more. Message the HSA office for information on rates and scheduling availability.

The HSA provides  educational consulting and job training to large-scale and small indoor farm projects.  We work with every client individually, because no two clients are doing the same thing, in the same place, with the same growing systems or with the same budget.

The H.S.A. advises and  helps create custom systems for clients. There are low-end, mid and high-end types of food production systems; the HSA educates on all levels of learning, beginning or advanced. The HSA can also teach the future of hydroponics and show clients the next level  of food production as an option; advanced models that are not only capable of providing consistent biomass but can also produce that biomass with zero to little waste. The H.S.A. educates on controlled environment efficiencies, sustainable technologies, even food waste conversion technologies.