

The Hydroponic Society of America was formed in 1976 in Berkeley, California. The Society has been the educational and scientific arm of the hydroponic community ever since.  This message below has been reprinted from Volume 1 No.1 of the Soilless Grower, April 1980:

“We are embarking on a new quest with the publication of this document; and all of us who have participated in the formation of the Hydroponic Society are very grateful to realize that the journey has started! Our past efforts on behalf of the society are no more important than those that will be required in the future if we are to be successful in our attempt to fulfill the aims of the society. That is why it is important for all of us to clearly understand how we can make that quest a rewarding experience for everyone involved. Stated in very simple terms, the quest we have embarked upon is to understand and apply the fundamental principles of the hydroponic process of growing plants for whatever useful purposes we perceive.Most who have tried to grow plants hydroponically have expected that a useful product would be forthcoming (tomatoes, flowers, etc.); however, growing plants in order to understand their fundamental processes is just as important because the knowledge gained should help us all grow plants that produce a higher yield of knowledge, beauty or fruit.The quest then is to seek knowledge and apply it, and the aim of the society is to provide the forum where anyone who has information can be heard. I hope that each member of the society will take advantage of that forum and let their voice be heard.The growing of plants using hydroponic principles is the main interest and the reason for our society. However, any society needs diversified talents to be successful. There is the need for all types of assistance (editorial, artistic, secretarial) to keep the society productive. Your talents will be appreciated, and they are necessary if the objectives of the society are to be met.The continued success of the society is also dependent upon the fellowship and friendship that provides the basis for our sharing information in the group. The friendliness of our members is a valuable asset and makes it a joy to be a participating member. The active participation by more members would be most welcome.”

Paul Droll, First President and Founder of the H.S.A.

H.S.A. members have spanned over 23 countries on 5 continents.  Members have include scientists, teachers, students, researchers, hobbyists and enterprise commercial growers. NASA has played a time-honored role in the H.S.A. and contributed a significant amount of research and data to this organization; notably NASA Ames Research Center.